This week on the Freedom train Podcast Series, Joe and Pat discuss the culture of simpin. A young lady @bluejasmine went viral recently because of remarks made on the 8 At The Table Podcast. She discussed how her ex-boyfriend is still paying for the apartment and car she is driving. She also discussed that he gut knows she has a boyfriend and is not willing to give up the apartment and car, but he is still paying. Is the man crazy for continuing to pay the bills for an ex that is in another relationship? Is simp culture ruining the market? The guys also go into men raising their self-esteem, practicing discipline, and not allowing themselves to be used just because the woman is beautiful or has good sex. Tune in!!
This week on the Freedom Train Podcast Series, Joseph and Patrick have discussions about COVID, the Russian economy, and Joe Biden vs the Catholic Church. According to the World Health Organization, COVID-19 cases spike in African as only 1% of the continent is vaccinated. Over the last decade, Russia has prepared to drop the US Dollar by slowly minimizing its importance and use in the Russian economy. What does this mean for the US economy? The last topic they had a bit of fun with as they discussed how the Catholic Church get clearance to rebuke Joe Biden because of his stance on abortion. Tune in to hear what they have to say!!
Photo by Josh Applegate on Unsplash
0:00 Intro
3:45 Whataburger Story 10:24 Show topics 13:10 Spike in Covid cases in Africa 24:05 Russia to Dump the US Dollar 35:35 Catholic Church vs Joe Biden
This week on the Freedom Train Podcast Series, Joseph and Patrick cover two topics, food banks looking to resolve the hunger issue, and Kwame Brown vs Boyce Watkins. Research conducted by the Duke World Food Policy and the non-profit organization WhyHunger shows that the COVID-19 Pandemic increased the need for food banks in communities that are food deserts, but they also realized that the food distributions alone do not resolve the issue of hunger in America. Joe and Pat dig into the story and information to give their thoughts on why food deserts exist and how they can be eliminated. The second topic they covered is the Kwame Brown vs Boyce Watkins war of words. A few weeks ago Boyce Watkins streamed a video on YouTube talking about how Brown's channel could possibly be taken down. According to Boyce, he was trying to help Brown. The "help" wasn't received well which led to both of the men releasing videos responding to each other. Is it Boyce being messy or Kwame lacking understanding? Tune in to check it out!!!
This week on the Freedom Train Podcast Series, Joe and Pat open up the podcast with one of the countries hottest songs. They covered three topics, The Dr. Fauchi emails, Trump says he will be President, and debunking the myth about the black family. Recently, emails from Dr. Fauchi were leaked to the public and it caused a stir. The conspiracy theory mob came out in droves to blast the internet with all of the confirming information they needed to prove the COVID-19 Pandemic was a hoax. Or did they??? Dun Dun Dunnnnnnn!! The second topic they covered was the "all-powerful" Donald j. Trump proclaiming that he will be president of the United States again in two months. If you don't believe it then you must be a hater. Yep. A Big United States Hating Trump Hater. Trump hate equals the United States hate!! LMAO!!! The last topic covered was the gentlemen debunking the myths about black fathers not being present in their children's lives, the prevalence of black family units, and more. They got it in. Check it out!!!
0:00 - Intro and show topics 5:27 - Anythony Fauci's emails 21:53 - Donald Trump presidency restored? 37:20 - Black Families
New Podcast Episodes released every Wednesday Topics (Work in Progress)
December 2022