2018 featured a slew of reports from various organizations and government agencies on climate change. The most recent one was released last Friday by the US government and it goes in the same direction as all the others despite the US President's disbelief. We haven't had an in-depth conversation on climate change, the next 2 weeks will remedy that. Tune in to hear our thoughts and comment to let us know yours.
Throughout the world leaders emerge who have the ability to galvanize masses of people behind and idea or through an emotional attachment. Those leaders have the option to lead with integrity or mislead their followers (fans). On the other side of the coin, those who decide to follow any particular leader have a responsibility to hold themselves and their leader accountable for their actions. If bad leaders are able to operate in a manner that is harmful to their followers with no consequence, the followers will not become empowered and can become a slave to destructive behavior. In this episode of the Freedom Train Podcast Series, Joseph and Patrick discuss bad leaders and the mindless people who follow them. Why do people have a need to become followers? Why aren't bad leaders held accountable for their bad choices? How can people grow if they continue to blindly follow bad leaders? Tune in to hear this discussion; it's a good one.
Mid-Term Election Results: Florida & Georgia Governors Race Recounts, and Voters vs. Non-Voters11/14/2018
In this episode of The Freedom Train Podcast series, Joseph and Patrick discuss the results of the 2018 mid-term elections. The Democrats took control of the House while the Republicans maintained control of the Senate. The three black candidates running for Governor ( Stacey Abrams, Andrew Gillum, Ben Jealous) ran great campaigns but either lost or are currently waiting for the results of the votes being recounted. Black America found something new to help further divide us; the new beef is "Hoteps" vs. "Voteps", or voters vs. non-voters. A county in Texas voted in 17 black women within the local judicial system. We also discussed the results of the local elections in Tallahassee, Fl and Charlotte, North Carolina. How does the results of these elections positively impact the black community? Tune in to hear our thoughts!!!
On this episode of The Freedom Train Podcast Series, Joseph and Patrick interviewed Mr. Willie Moody Jr., the owner of Advanced Cutz N Shavz in Tallahassee, FL.
To Contact Willie for a haircut call 850-558-5010. ![]()
New Podcast Episodes released every Wednesday Topics (Work in Progress)
December 2022