Mr. Fred J. Sweet Interview Mr. Fred J. Sweet is the operations manager of ASB Marketing, as well the as the founder and owner of the Feasaleo Brand. He is considered to be an expert in the areas of advertising & branding, marketing strategies, production & logistics, web design & development and much more. As a clothing designer; Mr. Sweet’s strengths lies in composition. He possesses an innate ability to take different elements of various designs to compose new themes, schemes, and/or designs that have unique expressions while possessing the strong points of its contributing elements.
As a generalist he can focus on and excel at almost any specialty over a short period of time. With this trait he can be considered a maverick at times, having the ability to interject himself into ongoing projects and get faster and at times better results than the practitioners of a specific subject matter. He excels at an exponential rate when teamed with others that are proficient in their craft. Not unlike the glue in the spine of a novel or the threads stitched in a designer dress, he has the ability to bind good elements together forming great works of art. For his ability to refine the efforts of others he is known by many as "The Composer" or "The Completer" and many clients have come to call him, "The Guy".
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On Today's podcast we resumed our discussion on combating sexual/domestic violence within our society. Listen in as we critically analyze the factors that lead to sexual/domestic violence. We also cover effective methods to help the prevention of future violent acts. Enjoy!!!
New Podcast Episodes released every Wednesday Topics (Work in Progress)
December 2022