On this week's episode of the Freedom train Podcast Series, Joseph and Patrick have a discussion about Florida's new HB1, the Daunte Wright shooting, and the Ma'Khia Bryant shooting. April 15, 2021, Florida's Governor Ron DeSantis signed into law HB1 which many are viewing as the law to make protesting illegal in the state of Florida. The bill was said to be created as a response to the violence during the George Floyd protest. 10 minutes away from the location for George Floyd's murder, a young black man named Daunte Wright was murdered by former police officer Kim Potter. Potter claimed that she thought she pulled her taser but pulled her gun instead and killed Wright. A 15-year-old girl is dead because she was killed by a police officer who was stopping her from stabbing another teen. The problem with the situation is the adults involved look to be adding to the turmoil instead of deescalating the situation. Tune in!!
Florida's HB1 https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2021/1/BillText/er/PDF ![]()
Danielle Harris is a native of Florida, a mother, youth mentor, life coach, and a proud graduate of Florida State University. She worked in state government for over ten years within the human service field. She has always been in the business of helping others through life’s journey. Danielle considers her faith and family to be most important to her. She is committed to helping others recognize their true identity and the power that resides within by providing spiritual support through Christ. She is convinced that love is the true remedy for all of humanity. The Remedy For Life’s Journey is Danielle’s first of many books to come.
Facebook: ModestD1 Instagram: @ModestD1 ![]()
This week on the Freedom Train Podcast Series, Joe and Pat let a stream of thoughts flow as they cover three topics that are trending in the news. but not at the top of their lists to cover. The first topic is the derrick Chauvin trial of his murder of George Floyd. If Chauvin is convicted, what impact will it have on the justice system as a whole? What impact will it have on the Floyd family? If he is convicted of murder, will it be a blow to systematic racism? These are questions the gentlemen answer. The second topic is about the COVID-19 vaccine and the possible 4th wave of the virus. There is a lot of controversy surrounding the vaccine due to mistrust in the medical industry. There are also a number of people who are not following the protocols in place to help prevent the spread of the virus. If the virus doesn't slow down, should you get vaccinated? The last topic covered is about the recent rise in Asian hate crimes over the last three years. Are the narratives surrounding the hate crime targeting black people true? Also, are black people obligated to be an ally to all other people of color. Tune in to hear what Joe and Pat have to say.
0:00 intro and show topics 6:23 Why the Chauvin Case Doesn't Matter to Some People 22:40 Handle My Lightweight 25:34 Fourth Wave of Covid 49:35 Asian Hate Crimes and the Black Community 1:04:25 Closing ![]()
This week on the Freedom Train Podcast Series, Joe and Pat are visited once again by the legendary playa of all playas Dr. Tip aka Jerrick Daxn. Dr. Tip answered a relationship question sent in by one of our viewers and gave some very interesting advice. In 2017, an article titled The Road To Zero Wealth: How The Racial Wealth Divide Is Hollowing Out America's Middle Class. The article is stating the by 2053 the average wealth of Black America will be Zero. Some may believe that Black America has had tangible progression since the Civil Rights Movement, some believe the opposite. According to The Road To Zero Wealth article, from 1983 to 2013 the wealth of Black America has declined by 75%. Tune in to hear the gentlemen break it all down.
Links To Sources Below: https://prosperitynow.org/files/PDFs/road_to_zero_wealth.pdf https://www.brookings.edu/blog/up-front/2020/12/08/the-black-white-wealth-gap-left-black-households-more-vulnerable/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/eriksherman/2017/09/11/median-wealth-of-black-and-latino-families-could-hit-zero-before-the-centurys-end/?sh=6b2f72c750f6 https://www.blackenterprise.com/african-american-wealth-zero-2053/ Lessons From The Screen The Road To Zero Podcast Link https://www.freedomtrainradio.com/freedom-train-presents-lessons-from-the-screen/the-road-to-zero ![]()
New Podcast Episodes released every Wednesday Topics (Work in Progress)
December 2022