Tonight on Office Hours we will how through Operate Conditioning we have become complicit in our purge as we continue to promote death culture throughout our community. We will also address cutting our losses with certain segments of our community.
Don't forget to grab your copy of The Independence Day Project
This evening on Office Hours we will be discussing the latest on the Austin City Bomber and why we need to look at this from a different lens. We will also talk about a brave Black Politician who called out the Rothschild Family Cartel in DC as well as a letter that I received regarding reactions from the current climate in S. Africa concerning white farmers.
This evening we will discuss the nation wide studen walkout to address gun control, bombings in Texas, new CIA appointment and a Human Rights violation by the Springville, Alabama Police Depatment for falsly accusing Miranda Allen of identity theft, assaulting her while in police custody. She will be here to tell her story live on Office Hours.
The Proverbial Hood Pass, the Black Identity Extremists and why it's time to get serious about our involvement in the Movement of Building Black Power!
Tonight on Office Hours we'll be talking calls from the family tonight as you tell us how The Black Panther movie has inspired you!