The Propaganda Game is a Documentary that seeks to look at how we are all being manipulated by propaganda. As a case study it uses North Korea as North Korea is commonly cited as a country with one of the most extreme and thorough propaganda machines. So we are transported on a journey through North Korea guided by the Spaniard Alejandro Cao who left Spain and relocated to North Korea over 20 years ago. To say he is a fanatic would be an understatement. He completely believes in North Korea and has a pro-North Korean answer for every question.
Abacus is the story of a family bank in the Asian Community that has the distinction of being the only bank in the America to have been charged with anything following the subprime mortgage crisis. The documentary itself operates in typical documentary fashion with talking heads, experts, witnesses, and first-hand accounts mixed in with community footage, photos, and news reels from the time to tell a very involving story of the little guy getting pushed around and fighting back only to win. The analogy of David and Goliath is actually utilized in the documentary itself.
Patrick Irvineis a lover of learning and analyzer of anything that can be analyzed, even if it probably shouldn't be. Categories
August 2021