Today we are getting back to the Lift Every Voice plan from Joe Biden. Heading into the first 3 points on healthcare, let's get into it.
Sections Covered: Make Far-Reaching Investments in Ending Health Disparities By Race = D Ensuring access to Health Care During This Crisis = D Invest in the Diverse Talent at HBCUs and MSIs to solve the country’s most pressing problems, including health disparities = D ![]()
Today we are getting back to the Lift Every Voice plan from Joe Biden. With the final 2 of points on education in the crosshairs today, let's get into it.
Sections Covered: Create a “Title 1 for postsecondary education” to help students at under-resourced four-year schools complete their degrees. Make a $50 billion investment in workforce training, including community-college business partnerships and apprenticeships. ![]()
Today we are getting back to the Lift Every Voice plan from Joe Biden. 3 of points the on education are in the crosshairs today, let's get into it.
Sections Covered: Address the African American Student Debt Crisis Increase College Completion by making college affordable for African American Students Invest over $70 billion in the HBCU & MSI (Minority-Serving Institutions) that will train our next generation of African American Professionals 0:00 My mama used to say 0:30 Show topics 1:09 Pacts Inc. 2:38 Black Student Debt Crisis 14:25 College Affordability for Black Students 20:40 $70 Billion for HBCUs & MSIs ![]()
The middle east is back in the headlines for violence and this time the US is not involved, well not directly anyway. Today we are going to be talking about what’s going on between the Palestinians and Israel as roughly 100 people have died and hundreds more have been injured or displaced.
As 2021 continues its campaign to be as memorable as 2020, it continues to build on the problems created in 2020. The issue at the heart of this show is the Gas Shortage that was started by the pandemic and worsened by a recent cyber attack, let’s get into it.
Lift Every Voice Review
Today we are getting back to the Lift Every Voice plan from Joe Biden. 3 of the points on education are in the crosshairs today, let's get into it. Sections Covered: Improve Teacher Diversity Reinstate the Obama-Biden Administration’s Actions to diversify our schools Ensure African American Students are not inappropriately identified as having disabilities while giving support to those children with disabilities that need it. ![]()
Review of Professor Carl Tone Jones's 2020 Through the Eyes of a Social Media Revolutionary.
Link Tree for subscribing to the podcast through your network: Support Pacts Inc: Head over to the website to support other shows on the network: Buy the Chasm by Patrick Irvine: ![]()
Today we are going to talk a bit about Biden's first day in office because he was busy, and the response from the republicans. We are also going to get back into the Biden - Harris Lift Every Voice Plan, today we are getting into the section on Expanding access to High-Quality Education and Tackling Racial Inequity in the Education System.
0:00 Intro 0:50 Pacts Inc 1:40 Biden's First Few Days 3:00 Ted Cruz 4:20 Republicans Mad 5:40 Mitch McConnell 7:35 Ultra Karen 10:33 Lift Every Voice Plan ![]()
Today we are going to continue to lean in on the treasonous insurrection and the logic trying to excuse it, the idiocy that made it possible and the sedition that pushed it. This was a serious occurrence and I’ve got more to say, but let's also get into the response democrats are pushing regarding new domestic terrorism laws, republicans like Mitch McConnell finally breaking ranks, and security during the Biden Inauguration.
Link Tree for subscribing to the podcast through your network: Support Pacts Inc: Head over to the website to support other shows on the network: Buy the Chasm by Patrick Irvine: Thomas Jefffersons to William Stephens: Thomas Jefferson to James Madison: Shay's Rebellion: ![]()
First show back from the break and 2020 decided to continue into 2021. That was expected given that Donald Trump lost the election. No intros, outros, transitions, or fluff, let's talk about it.
Continuing with the Biden - Harris Lift Every Voice Plan, today we are getting into the section on Supporting African American Workers.
Sections Covered: 2:00 - Fight for Equal Pay - C 8:49 - Ensure Federally Funded Projects protect workers - C 12:55 - Encourage diverse hiring and promotion practices -D 17:11 - Restore the federal governments role in setting the bar for other employers to advance opportunities for all workers. - D 22:12 - Protect essential workers in the Covid-19 Crisis. - D 29:12 - Turn unemployment insurance into employment insurance. - D ![]()
Continuing with the Biden - Harris Lift Every Voice Plan, today we are getting into the section on investing in communities that need it most which is still a part of his plan for Black America.
Sections Covered: Fully Implement Congressman Clyburn’s 10-20-30 Plan to help all individuals living in persistently impoverished communities. 1:50 Create a White House “Strike Force” to partner with rural communities to help them access federal funds. 5:20 Drive Additional capital into low-income communities to spur the development of low-income housing. 6:35 Build and modernize infrastructure in communities that need it most. 8:57 Invest in Historically marginalized communities and bring everyone to the table for transportation planning. 9:35 Bring Broadband to every American Household. 10:51 ![]()
Today we are getting back to the Biden - Harris Lift Every Voice Plan now that he has won the election. Him winning actually gives this plan more significance now so we wanted to make sure that we are taking the time to look at it thoroughly. I also wanted to answer another question that I get asked a lot concerning Trump facing charges after his presidency.
2:13 - Trump Legal Issues Sections Covered: 5:02 - Eliminate local and state housing regulations that perpetuate discrimination. D 8:47 - Promote more equitable wealth building and a more secure retirement. D 10:07 - Equalize the tax benefits of defined contribution plans. D 12:45 - Remove penalties for caregivers who want to save for retirement. D 15:51 - Give small businesses a tax break for starting a retirement plan and giving workers a chance to save at work. D 18:02 - Make social security benefits more generous and equitable. C ![]()
While it can’t be overstated that local elections have a much more direct impact on the day to day life of the average American, it also can’t be dismissed that presidential elections capture the nation's attention in a way that isn’t quite seen anywhere else. With that being said and with COVID still being a thing, we decided to have a show answering questions. We decided to boil the questions down to a list of 7 questions that we feel cover the bulk of all the things we were asked about. That is our show today and those questions are:
2:25 - What’s the outlook given that the majority of this election will be disputed? 10:15 - How can Trump Go straight to the supreme court with election issues? 14:42 - Why do they tell people to vote if it's based on the electoral college and not the popular vote? 22:37 - Why are the different networks presenting different results? 23:45 - Why don’t black people like Biden because of the 94 crime bill? 34:40 - Why does his position on the 94 Crime bill no longer matter? 44:15 - What's the deal With Mask and is there an end in sight for covid? ![]()
We just wanted to take the moment to let you know that new content is coming but we couldn't really predict how the elections were going to unfold so we decided to wait and see. Be safe out there, things are getting hectic and people are getting violent.
We decided to hold off on continuing the Biden plan analysis until after the election. Have a safe trip to the polls if you haven't voted yet, and be safe in your homes. We reserve the right to go live on election day #LOL!
Today we are continuing our talk about housing and what is in the Biden - Harris Lift Every Voice Plan.
Sections Covered:
Increase access to affordable housing.
Today we are talking about housing as we continue with the Biden - Harris Lift Every Voice Plan.
Sections Covered:
Here is a replay of our first live show. We didn't advertise because we wanted it to be a test. At the last moment, we decided to go live on Facebook, Twitch, and YouTube. We managed to be found by nearly 200 unique people with no advertising. That's pretty huge!
We are still figuring out our style for the live shows as we wanted to pause for conversation but we didn't want to drag out the already long debate. Comments and opinions are asked for and welcome. The first few minutes are chopped off because of audio issues at the start. ![]()
Today we are going to stick with the Biden-Harris Lift Every Voice Plan diving into what they are saying they would do and what should be done for the Black Community. Tune in and share your thoughts!
Biden Plan Points Covered in this Episode:
Today we finish HR 748 starting with section 4116 covering employment compensation limitations, moving through title 5 covering relief funds and finishing up with title 6 covering miscellaneous provisions. We will also be getting into my thoughts overall regarding the entirety of HR 748 and its impact on the Black Community.
We talked about Donald Trump’s Platinum Plan, it was only 2 pages so it didn’t require a lot of time. But now we are going to dive into Biden’s Lift Every Voice plan, which is about 16 times longer and will require a few shows to fully digest. So let's get digesting.
Today we continue HR 748 starting with section 4026 covering reports from the Department of the Treasury and continuing through to section 4115 covering protections of collective bargaining agreements with air carriers and contractors. This show finishes out Subtitle A: The Coronavirus Economic Stabilization Act of 2020 and goes into Subtitle B: Air Carrier Worker Support.
We are going to try something a bit different for this show although not different for the show in general. If you recall when we used to do the Tuesday shows, we had shows called “Trending Tuesday” where we covered the top 10 trending topics according to google. Well today we are going to talk about some of the more popular or interesting news stories over the past week. We are going to be covering the VP debate tonight, COVID situations in the White House and around the country, a concern about Facebook being broken up, health workers addicted to drugs, New York is closing, California has stipulations on opening, Drinking is on the rise, and Harvey Weinstein has not yet finished falling.
A lot happened this week, but in addition to continuing into HR 748, we are also going to be talking a little bit about the congressional battle to pass more COVID Relief measures, and COVID appearing in the first family with both Donald Trump and his wife Melania both testing positive.
Patrick Irvineis a lover of learning and analyzer of anything that can be analyzed, even if it probably shouldn't be. Categories
August 2021