Words can’t express how elated I am to present to you our website which will keep you informed on upcoming events, fundraisers, exciting DIVA moments and most importantly the progression of Girls 2 DIVAS Mentoring Program Inc. Girls 2 DIVAS Mentoring Program started just as a thought but it was something deep down inside of me that God was waiting to pull out. Growing up in Miami (Liberty City/Carol City to be exact) I had some obstacles to endure at an early age to get where I am today. I had to grow up quick, from a girl to a diva. I had to build up a sense of drive and know that I had to make it out. I had to take the initiative and step up to the plate as a teen and understand that if I wanted a better life for myself I had to start then. Lastly, I had to tell myself that I will be virtuous, astounding and successful in everything that I do with the help of God,my parents blessings my aunt’s friends who acted as my mentors and most importantly I had to start believing in myself! I started girls 2 divas because I want young DIVAS to be provided with women to look up to who look just like them, who may have been through what they have and who can provide them with advice and opportunities through G2D that will make them self sufficient leaders, nationally and internationally. I’m often asked what I want to do in life. I’m doing exactly what God wants me to do and I am thankful that I know what drives me and I’m passionate about. https://www.facebook.com/urforeveryoungwhitegirl https://www.facebook.com/Girls2DivasMentoringProgram/ https://www.instagram.com/girls2divas_mentoring/ Click the button below to learn more about Girls 2 Divas Mentoring Program